Variety Show: Act 1, a Song
First, a song. I write quite rarely nowadays but it still happens. Very tempting to comment on it but I'll let it speak for itself, and you can interpret it as you will.
Meet me here, by Steve Collis
Though the night falls, meet me here.
In the darkness, meet me here.
Surprised by every moment, always blinking in surprise,
I feel Prometheus infected me with a walking, living fire,
In the mixing of uncertainties, with changing states of decency,
The God of Ideology is not a god who I believe.
Though I stumble, meet me here.
In the darkness, meet me here.
I'm a puff of mist, here a little while,
I'm reduced to dust, save me or I die.
I navigate around this world, I'm desperate and mapless.
I feel slightly less than sympathy and slightly more than hapless.
There's a weight to my viscosity, my viciousness is virtually
The only way that's forward, but I'll still say bloody earnestly
Though the night falls, meet me here.
In the darkness, meet me here.
I'm a raging bear, you can hear me growl.
I'm a long-lost soul, I'm the milk gone sour.
In confusion, meet me here.
Though I do wrong, meet me here.
God in heaven, meet me here.
Now drifting like the sands of some Arabian deserter,
Religion is opium, and opium will hurt you.
If 'God' is just a drug to me, a blanket that will cover me,
Protect me from uncertainty, then 'God' is just idolatry.
Variety Show: Act 2, Steve Splashes a Random
Oooo now that sounds like the name of a song too: "Steve Soaks a Random".
See, I was driving to Turramurra Music this afternoon and was in the left lane to turn left and park. I was here:
Unfortunately, there was much water in the gutter, so made a huge splash. At this very moment, a random was walking by. A young women. She leapt away from my huge splash, but I think I splashed her significantly. There was another random on a bench near her. This random escaped being splashed. I desperately looked back as I turned left... order to get eye contact order to get absolution absolution that would never come.
But the two randoms were now smiling at each other as if the whole splash was amusing.
I parked as quickly as I could, hoping to apologise but I was not quick enough. She had gone.
Here's a video I took of the crime scene on my mobile:
Variety Show: Act 3, Coke
Just annoyed that Coke also has the audacity to outrightly purvey its product as happiness. At least it is cheaper than $99.

Look, in actual fact, I myself think of coke in these terms sometimes myself. But a bit of modesty wouldn't go astray. And shame on coke and myself for poor mathematics... sug + caff = happiness not.
Variety Show: Act 4, Parents Who Give Their Children Very Silly Names
A girl from New Zealand was named "Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii". Now she is 9 years old and not terribly happy about it. A judge has ordered the girl be placed in court guardianship so it can be changed. Read here.